Scheduling the rota (Images)
“By Swarming we were able to complete the process in 1 hour that had previously taken a manager 24 hours”
Riccardo Mariti
A personal journal on the day to day implementation of scrum at my restaurant in London – By Riccardo Mariti – (Note: In case your wondering why I'm using a basic Wordpress site, I figured that it would load and optimize better on multiple devices so will be easier for you to read!)
“By Swarming we were able to complete the process in 1 hour that had previously taken a manager 24 hours”
Riccardo Mariti
Our first iteration of a virtual Scrum Board – Alasdair McWilliam’s idea!!
The essence of Scrum is coming up with an MVP (minimum viable product). The smallest possible version of something that you can put into somebody’s hands to get feedback as soon as possible. In shortening this “feedback loop”, we are able to find out super-quickly what works and what does not. The above article shows that even experts, seasoned, experienced, entrepreneurs have no idea what will work and what will not. The “secret” is not to try and guess, but to run a simple experiment; put something in the physical universe and see if it works.